National University Corporation Ehime University Guiding Principle regarding the prevention of the infringement of a person’s rights (in Japanese)
#1 Basic Policy
#2 Definitions
#3 Scope of the Guideline
#4 Responsibilities of Deans and Directors and Obligations of Students and Staff
#5 Consultation system and Complaint Handling System
#6 Protection of Privacy
#7 Prohibition of Unfair Treatment
#8 Measures for Prevention
#9 Miscellaneous Provisions
Ehime University Harassment Prevention Manual(on-campus)
Ehime University Policy
I. What is harassment?
II. Examples of Harassment
III. How to avoid being an offender
IV. To prevent harassment
V. If someone is being harassed
VI. If you think you have been harassed
VII. Prohibition of Unfair Treatment
VIII. Confidentiality
IX. Mental care for the claimant
X. Education, workshops and activities for stopping harassment
The elimination of discrimination based on disability
A new law on the Promotion of Elimination of Discrimination on the Basis of Disability came into effect on April 1, 2016. The regulation indicates what is necessary for staff to aim for a university where people can live together in mutual respect for each other’s personality and individuality regardless of any disability.
Prevention of sexual violence
Sexual acts without consent are sexual violence and a serious violation of human rights. It is a serious violation of the dignity and rights of the victim, and causes lifelong psychological trauma that is difficult to recover from, as well as serious physical and mental effects. In particular, sexual violence by faculty staff against students and others at educational institutions must never occur. We will not tolerate it, and will take even stricter measures against those who commit such acts.
In addition, we will cooperate with the police and other public agencies as necessary.